Over the course of July 2009, I posted a collection of items from my files. The term “ephemera” seems to fit this project, as it is a term used to describe items that are printed and distributed for limited purposes and times. I ran across this sense of the word while attending a week-long workshop on postal history in June 2008. The postal historians described ephemera as the printed items that flow in and out of life and tend to end up in the trash, unless someone has a reason or some compulsion to save them. I am probably in the second group. The boxes of old papers on shelves in our basement storage room stand as a mute testimonial to my compulsion.
Anyway, here are some items from those boxes. I have not planned out the month, so the order is merely chronological by posting date. Then, beginning in August 2009, this list includes short pieces I have written for specific occasions and uses.
- October 13: Where Is Our Treasure?
- October 4: Remington’s Birth Centennial
- September 13: Everything Comes from God
- August 26: Listening to Our Master
- July 16: Overflowing in a Wealth of Generosity
- June 16: Tending the Gifts of God
- May 15: Stewardship Ministry: Well Done, Steward
- April 12: Stewardship Ministry: “Stewards of God’s Mysteries”
- March 15: Stewardship Ministry: Like Rain
- February 14: Stewardship Ministry: “We Offer with Joy and Thanksgiving…!”
- December 10: Mary’s Song of Reversals
- December 5: In the Meantime: For Now
- November 12: Praising, Proclaiming, and Pondering the Lord
- November 03: In the Meantime: All Good Gifts
- November 03: Question Box: What About Bullies?
- October 15: There is Our Help
- October 04: Pastor’s Pen: Laborers for the Harvest
- September 30: Question Box: “He descended into hell.”
- September 30: In the Meantime: Walk in His Ways
- September 09: Making an Honest Confession
- August 21: In the Meantime: The Holy Cross
- August 21: Question Box: Abortion and Responsibility
- August 12: Rescue! Deliver!
- August 01: In the Meantime … In the Meantime
- August 01: Question Box: Speaking in Tongues
- July 08: Pastor’s Pen: Like a Downpour
- July 08: Staying on the Path
- July 01: In the Meantime … Daily Witness
- July 01: Question Box: Uniquely the Way
- June 10: Relief for Our Burdens
- June 01: Question Box: Body Mods
- June 01: In the Meantime … A Change of Seasons
- April 23: In the Meantime … The Old Saying
- April 13: Hear, O LORD!
- March 29: Pastor’s Pen: Unless a Grain…
- March 29: In the Meantime … Promises Kept
- March 18: Happy in Forgiveness
- March 01: In the Meantime … Lenten Beginnings
- February 11: Holy is He
- February 1: In the Meantime … Unsteady Ground
- January 14: Refuge for All
- January 01: In the Meantime…See the Light
- December 11: In Our Midst
- November 25: In the Meantime…Coming Soon
- November 12: The LORD Answers
- October 31: In the Meantime…With Joy and Thanksgiving
- October 15: Pastor’s Pen: Called to Serve Others
- October 13: Fear and Faith
- September 26: In the Meantime…At the Crossroads
- September 26: Blessing and Dedication of Bibles
- September 10: Praying in Faith
- September 05: The Gifts of God…for the People of God
- August 27: Walking Blamelessly
- August 03: At the Crossroads
- August 02: “I Am the Bread of Life”
- August 01: A Strange Faith
- July 31: The Lord’s Supper in The Book of Concord
- July 30: The Catechetical Use of Hymnody in the Christian’s Daily Formation
- July 29: The Authority and Inspiration of Scripture According to Hans Küng in On Being a Christian
- July 28: Gospel, Church & Kingdom
- July 27: Proclamation as Dialogue
- July 25: We Believe in the Almighty
- July 24: Roles and Relations
- July 23: Influence and Evolution
- July 22: St. Athanasius: The Atoning Logos
- July 21: Wash Away the Sin of All…
- July 20: We Make Disciples…
- July 19: Anointed with the Spirit…
- July 18: Through the Sea…
- July 17: St. Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther on the Problem of Evil
- July 16: By the Flood’s Waters…
- July 15: In the Beginning…
- July 14: The Dilemma of Humanity and Divinity
- July 13: Path and Play
- July 12: God’s Bread of Life
- July 11: Process and Postmodernism
- July 10: Chaos and Complexity
- July 09: A Good Path
- July 08: God’s Patient Nurture
- July 07: God’s Valuable People
- July 06: Messages and Media
- July 05: God’s Free Invitation
- July 04: “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”
- July 03: Metaphors and Meanings
- July 02: God’s Gracious Word
- July 01: God’s Good Creation.
One response to “Ephemera”
Thanks for sharing this. Best wishes and God’s blessings to you as you make a new beginning. I’m back at it after two weeks of down time.
Let’s talk soon.