Tag: Psalms

  • Fit for Climbing

    “Who shall climb the mountain of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy place? The man with clean hands and a pure heart, who desires not worthless things, who has not sworn so as to deceive his neighbor.” (Psalm 24:3-4, LH)

  • The Lord’s Joy

    “Give joy to your servant, O Lord, for to you I lift up my soul.” (Psalm 86:4)

  • Open for Praise

    “O Lord, open my lips and my mouth shall declare your praise.” (Psalm 51:15,LH)

  • God’s Hand

    “May your hand be on the man you have chosen, the man you have given your strength.” (Psalm 80:17, LH)

  • Holy Ways

    “Your ways, O God, are holy.” (Psalm 77:13a, LH)

  • A Humble Heart

    “O Lord, my heart is not proud nor haughty my eyes. I have not gone after things too great nor marvels beyond me.” (Psalm 131:1-2, LH)

  • Walking in Freedom

    “You gave me freedom for my steps; my feet have never slipped.” (Psalm 18:36, LH)

  • Seeking God’s Face

    “Consider the Lord and his strength; constantly seek his face.” (Psalm 105:4, LH)

  • Light and Joy

    “Light shines forth for the just and joy for the upright of heart.” (Psalm 97:11, LH)

  • No Lying Lips

    “May the Lord destroy all lying lips, the tongue that speaks high-sounding words, those who say: ‘Our tongue is our strength; our lips are our own, who is our master?’” (Psalm 12:3-4, LH)