Fruits of the Kingdom
Introduction Emmanuel Lutheran Church, east of Beatrice, Nebraska, invited me to preach and preside at worship on Oct. 2, 2011, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Readings Isaiah 5:1–7 Psalm 80:7–15, antiphon vv.14–15 Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 21:33–46 Homily Let us pray …. May the words of my mouth and the meditations in our hearts be acceptable…
Remembering 9/11
Since the day that Cain raised his hand against Abel, his brother, the people God made in his image have turned to violence to express their hate for one another. We know that St. Paul admonishes the Church in Romans 12:17, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil; be concerned for what is noble in…
Restored in Silence
Introduction The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission. This is the eighteenth…
Listening to Our Master
“Listen, O my son, to the teachings of your master, and turn to them with the ear of your heart” (Prologue 1, Benedict’s Rule, Terrence G. Kardong, trans., The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minn., 1996). St. Benedict begins his rule in simplicity by calling us to listen. When we put down what burdens our hands, when…
Good and Pleasant Unity
Introduction The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission. This is the thirteenth…
“Preferring Absolutely Nothing to Christ”
Introduction St. Mark’s on the Campus Episcopal Church celebrates the Eucharist on Tuesdays. Father Jerry Thompson invited me to lead worship on July 12, 2011. As is the parish’s practice, the service remembers a saint or other figure, transferring an observance if one does not fall on that particular date. Since July 11 is the…
Bearing the Yoke
Introduction The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission. This is the eleventh…
The Enemy Within
Introduction The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission. This is the ninth…
Calm Between the Times
Introduction The Landing at Williamsburg, a senior living facility of Immanuel Communities, holds worship on Sunday mornings. This is the homily from June 3, 2011, the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Readings Acts 1:6–14 Psalm 68:1–10, 32–35 1 Peter 4:12–14, 5:6–11 John 17:1–11 Homily This past Monday was a windy day. As I spent time working…
Commitment to the One
Introduction The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost three dozen members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission. This is the…