Tag: Image of the Day

  • Windeyes in Waiting

    I remember learning about the parts of Pennsylvania bank barns, with their massive gray limestone walls with glassless slits, called “windeyes,” built into their sides for ventilation. One of the pleasures of looking up words is discovering how fitting they can be. According to Dictionary.com, our word window has this history: Origin: 1175–1225; ME windoge,…

  • Illuminated Manuscripts

    One measure of the advancing seasons is the morning sun slicing through the windows on the north side of the house. These beams have landed on some shelves in the library.

  • Dappled by Sun

    Morning and evening paint the world with beautiful light. It’s hard to walk outdoors and not see some amazing illumination.

  • Ready for Grooming

    After a nasty encounter with a serpentine belt at the end of March, Miss Kitty is recuperating nicely in Anne’s Feline Loft of Luxury.

  • Zeke’s Stick

    Zeke, our Labradoodle, likes to bring sticks from the woods to our yard. Many of them are worlds in themselves when viewed in detail.

  • Steel Drums

    Pangea played at the Farmers’ Market on a beautifully sunny and cool morning.

  • Innovative Repetition

    Hostas have a consistent shape, but a clump reveals the variety embodied by the individual stems. Black and white seemed to be an effect that helps highlight form.

  • Euclidean Steel

    Flashbacks to Euclidean Geometry…. Given a line and a point not on that line, there exists one and only one line through that point that does not intersect the given line.

  • Reimagining Tuscany

    One of my favorite childhood books ended with a character reading a book in which that same character was reading a book in which…. I didn’t know the term “recursion,” but the concept was a great toy for imaginative play, inspiring me to go the bathroom to noodle around with a hand mirror reflecting the…

  • Milkweed Leaves

    The gray, overcast, and gusty weather seemed to present a challenge in composing an image in an “outdoor studio,” so I decided to give it a shot. This image looking down on a young milkweed plant was taken in the tall grasses outside our house. I used my Nikon 60mm AF Micro Nikkor lens to…