Tag: Image of the Day

  • Aerial Surveyance

    A landscape of reduced dimensions covers the face of a rock on the hill. This morning’s oblique sunlight casts the canyon in relief.

  • Baltimore Oriole

    These flashy birds like the open woods near our house. They delight our eyes with their striking coloration and our ears with their melodic song.

  • Seussian Stem

    It’s not a trick of perspective. The stem really comes up through each of the flower heads! When they’re blooming, they might be arranged in bouquets on the tables where Star-bellied Sneetches go to dine.

  • Stop Target Practice

    I left any punctuation out of the title so you can add it, choosing your own interpretation. It could be “Stop Target Practice!” Or perhaps, “Stop! Target Practice!” Or Maybe, “Stop Target—Practice!”

  • Japanese Iris

    “And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.” (Matt. 6:28-29, NRSV)

  • Permeable Membrane

    Window screens are normally just a little visual noise that we ignore when looking outside. But when a window screen catches the light from the flash, it asserts itself and becomes an object to be viewed.

  • Through the Trees

    Different days bring variations in weather and light. Compare today’s image with Monday Sunrise from two weeks ago. Both were taken at about the same time from about the same place looking across the same pasture.

  • Cup of Salvation

    “Grant that all who share this bread and cup may become one body and one spirit, a living sacrifice in Christ, to the praise of your Name.” (Book of Common Prayer, “Holy Eucharist II,” p. 375)

  • Promise of Rain

    Perhaps the elements will con-spire to bless us with rain today.

  • Foaming Sea

    One of the features on the Moon is called Mare Spumans, or Foaming Sea. This image looks a little like photographs of the pockmarked surface of the Moon, but it’s just whipped dish soap and water in a Fiesta bowl. You can use the larger bubbles as magnifying lenses to see the bubbles beneath them…