Children of the Light
SCRIPTURES “Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests …. At that time I [the Lord] will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the people who rest complacently on their dregs, those who say in…
Bearing the Yoke of Christ
SCRIPTURE “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” —Matthew 11:28–30, New American…
Where Is Our Treasure?
This is the ninth in a series of reflections offered as part of my service with the Stewardship Ministry at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., where Anne and I are members. The black walnut trees north of our house have shed their leaves. Only a few walnuts still cling to their branches,…
Sing to the Lord
Introduction The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission. This is the twenty-fourth…
A Heart for Service
Introduction The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission. This is the twenty-third…
Remington’s Birth Sesquicentennial
As an “Artist of the West,” Frederic Sackrider Remington received posthumous notice when his work appeared on the U.S. Post Office Department’s “first multicolored portrayal of a piece of fine art on an American postage stamp” (Commemorative Stamp Ceremony Program). The Oct. 4, 1961, 4¢ issue marked the centennial of the artist’s birth in Canton,…
“Beyond the Status Quo”
Introduction The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission. This is the twenty-second…
Everything Comes from God
This is the eighth in a series of reflections offered as part of my service with the Stewardship Ministry at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., where Anne and I are members. King David’s life contains much that speaks to us as a caution to avoid, rather than a cause to embrace. And…
Remembering 9/11
Since the day that Cain raised his hand against Abel, his brother, the people God made in his image have turned to violence to express their hate for one another. We know that St. Paul admonishes the Church in Romans 12:17, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil; be concerned for what is noble in…
“Do Not Be Afraid”
Introduction The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission. This is the twentieth…