Anointed with the Spirit…
Introduction In 1991, while serving as the pastor of First Lutheran Church, Potter, Neb., and Grace Lutheran Church, Gurley, Neb., I prepared a second series of six daily devotions, calling the collection “Baptized in the Name: Devotions for the Harvest.” This is the fourth in the collection. Reading: Mark 1:9-15 “In the waters of the…
Unfailing Deliverance
“We have put our hope in him who will never cease to deliver us.” (2 Corinthians 1:10b, LH)
Through the Sea…
Introduction In 1991, while serving as the pastor of First Lutheran Church, Potter, Neb., and Grace Lutheran Church, Gurley, Neb., I prepared a second series of six daily devotions, calling the collection “Baptized in the Name: Devotions for the Harvest.” This is the third in the collection. Reading: Exodus 14:21-25 “You led Israel by the…
Healing and Life
“He sent forth his word to heal them and saved their life from the grave.” (Psalm 107:20, LH)
St. Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther on the Problem of Evil
Introduction I wrote this paper for Religion 403-1, submitting it to Dr. Donald E. Byrne, Jr., on Dec. 8, 1983, at the end of the fall semester of my senior year in college. Paper Theological discussions seem, inevitably and inexorably, to be drawn to the topic of evil, its existence and nature, as surely as…
Trusting in God
“Trust in the Lord, your God, and you will be found firm.” (2 Chronicles 20:20b, LH)
By the Flood’s Waters…
Introduction In 1991, while serving as the pastor of First Lutheran Church, Potter, Neb., and Grace Lutheran Church, Gurley, Neb., I prepared a second series of six daily devotions, calling the collection “Baptized in the Name: Devotions for the Harvest.” This is the second in the collection. Reading: Genesis 9:8-17 “By the waters of the…
God’s Perspective
“To your eyes a thousand years are like yesterday, come and gone, no more than a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:4, LH)
In the Beginning…
Introduction In 1991, while serving as the pastor of First Lutheran Church, Potter, Neb., and Grace Lutheran Church, Gurley, Neb., I prepared a second series of six daily devotions, calling the collection “Baptized in the Name: Devotions for the Harvest.” This is the first in the collection. Reading: Genesis 1:1-5 “We give you thanks, for…
What to Wear
“You are mighty, O Lord, and truth is your garment.” (Psalm 89:8b,LH)