Author: David M. Frye

  • Blessing of the Animals

    Welcome We are glad you have come to Holy Cross Lutheran Church this evening to give God thanks for the gift of the companionship and service of our fellow creatures, to renew your commitment to care for them, and to ask God to bless our animals to his glory. Around the world, Christians gather in…

  • All Creatures Lift Their Voices

    Introduction Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Beatrice, Neb., held a “Blessing of the Animals” service for the community at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2009. This is the meditation from that service. Readings Genesis 1:24-31 Psalm 104:10-24 Matthew 6:25-33 Message St. Francis is beloved throughout the whole Church for his generous and selfless concern for others,…

  • Unity of the Spirit

    “Make every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit through a peace that binds you together.” (Ephesians 4:3, LH)

  • Destined for Judgment

    “Always speak and act as men destined for judgment under the law of freedom.” (James 2:12, LH)

  • He Came to Save

    “You can depend on this as worthy of full acceptance: that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (1 Timothy 1:15, LH)

  • What God Joins

    Introduction This is the sermon I preached at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Beatrice, Neb., on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 3-4, 2009, the weekend of the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. + + + Readings Genesis 2:18-24 Psalm 8 Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12 Mark 10:2-16 + + + Prayer Long ago, O God, you spoke to our ancestors…

  • Strength for Everything

    “In him who is the source of my strength, I have strength for everything.” (Philippians 4:13, LH)

  • Sending an Angel

    “See, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared.” (Ezekiel 23:20, LH)

  • Anger Abated

    “I give thanks, O Lord; though you have been angry with me, your anger has abated, and you have consoled me.” (Isaiah 12:1b, LH)

  • Abated Anger

    “I give thanks, O Lord; though you have been angry with me, your anger has abated, and you have consoled me.” (Isaiah 12:1b, LH)