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Nebraska Arts Council Announces Governor’s Residence Exhibition Program Artists for 2007–2008

Ten Visual Artists from Across the State Exhibit Solo Shows

Media Contact: J.D. Hutton,
Artist Services and Communications Manager,
800.341.4067 | 402.595.2142 jhutton (at) nebraskaartscouncil dot org.

(Omaha, NE) August 15, 2007: The Nebraska Arts Council announces the artists selected for the 2007–2008 exhibition season at the Nebraska Governor’s Residence.

This unique venue allows the first family, officials and residence visitors the opportunity to appreciate the creativity of a broad range of Nebraskan artists from across the state.

Ten artists were selected for the upcoming exhibit season from a pool of 22 applicants. The exhibiting artists are:

  • Leia Brown, painting; Omaha
  • Jan Christensen, photography; Lincoln
  • Brenda Everson-Wiesman, painting; Omaha
  • David M. Frye, photography; Denton
  • Tom Hansen, photography; Lincoln
  • Susan Hart, mixed media; Cozad
  • Rebecca Hohnstein, photography, Bayard
  • Scott Hunzeker, photography; Lincoln
  • Joy Long, watercolor and pastels; Omaha
  • Lynda Tygart, photography; Omaha.

The Upcoming Exhibition Schedule:

  • August 22–September 21, 2007: Joy Long
  • September 26–October 19, 2007: Brenda  Everson-Wiesman
  • October 31–November 30, 2007: Leia Brown
  • December 5, 2007–January 4, 2008: Susan Hart
  • January 9–February 8, 2008: Tom Hansen
  • February 13–March 14, 2008: Scott Hunzeker
  • March 19–April 18, 2008: Becky Hohnstein
  • April 23–May 23, 2008: David M. Frye
  • May 28–June 27, 2008: Lynda Tygart
  • July 2, 2008–August 1, 2008: Jan Christensen.

J.D. Hutton, Artist Services and Communications Manager for the Nebraska Arts Council, and Governor’s Residence Program manager, commented, “It is always interesting to see what artists are creating across the state of Nebraska. This year, in particular, half of the artists are photographers, and each one of them has a distinctive approach to the medium.”


Joy Long, watercolorist and pastel artist from Omaha, opens the exhibition season on August 22, 2007, with work on display through September 21.


The Nebraska Arts Council, a state agency, provides numerous grants, services and special initiatives that help sustain and promote the arts throughout Nebraska. The NAC is supported by the Nebraska Legislature, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment.


Nebraska Governor’s Residence
1425 H Street
Lincoln, NE 68508.

The residence is open for public tours on Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m.

Groups visiting Nebraska’s Capital City may enjoy a guided tour of the home featuring historical information and memorabilia collected by Nebraska’s first families. Reservations are required for groups of ten or more.

Please call the residence at 402.471.3466 for more information or to make an appointment.

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