Blade and Oil and Stone

The Lincoln Chapter of Benedictine Oblates has launched a Facebook page: Nebraska Oblates.

Here is my offering for the page’s new discussion section.

Blade and Oil and Stone

“Are you hastening toward your heavenly home? Then with Christ’s help, keep this little rule that we have written for beginners” (The Rule of St. Benedict, 73:8).

I remember my dad teaching me was how to sharpen a knife. Use a little oil—not too much—on the sharpening stone and hold the knife at just the right angle—not that steep—and move the blade in even, rhythmic motions—one side and then the other—across the stone. Don’t try to force a new edge on the blade all at once. The secret to a sharp blade is taking your time and removing almost imperceptible nicks slowly and deliberately.

In many ways, I’ve found that living by the spirit of the Rule of St. Benedict is like sharpening a knife. I can gradually see my “edge” emerging when I trust the oil of the Holy Spirit and the stone of the Rule and the hand of Jesus Christ to hone me, to work away my rough and jagged edges, so that I can become a sharper knife. In that way, God may use me to his glory in all things.

David M. Frye, OblSB
Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus