“I Am the Bread of Life”


One of the classes I took at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg in 1988 was an elective on hymnology, the study of hymnody, including its history, use, and development in the life of the Church’s liturgy. Part of the class involved writing some hymn texts. This hymn, “I Am the Bread of Life,” is based upon John 6:41-51, which is part of the Gospel in the Revised Common Lectionary for this coming Sunday, Aug. 9, 2009. The text is written in Long Meter (LM), and can be sung to Erhalt uns, Herr, J. Klug, Geistliche Lieder, 1543.


“I am the bread of life, your Lord,
Who came from heaven to the world.
Whoever eats this bread will live;
My flesh will life eternal give.”

Christ speaks his word to us today,
So we may know the truth, the way.
But we rebel against his might,
And flee from life in his pure light.

For all the human race he died,
Despised by all, yet glorified.
Upon the cross, the bread of life
Gave up his flesh to death’s cruel knife.

By God the Father, Christ was raised!
The Spirit conquered death to save
The Son, the bread of life, so we
May taste the flesh of victory.

To God the Father, Spirit, Son,
Let praises evermore be sung,
In worship of the God who gave
The bread of life to kill the grave.