Restored in Silence

The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission.

This is the eighteenth of a series of weekly meditations with the aim to inspire reflection and encourage conversation among the members of the task force as we journey together in obedience to our Lord’s calling to serve him. You can find an archive of these meditations on the Web at

Rod Koehler, a member of the Spirit Driven Task Force.

“He leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.” —Psalm 23:2–3

I always appreciate and tend to gravitate to the short-to-the-point sayings and passages. You know, the ones that cut to the truth, say what needs to be said, and are easy to recite, like “Do unto others…”, “Be silent and know I am God…”, “The Lord is my shepherd…”, and “…He restores my soul.” Maybe easy to remember and recite, but not always easy to remember and apply when I need them most.

When we are exhausted, depleted, and on the edge of burnout, we need to have our souls restored! But who can restore our souls? Only the One who will lead us beside still water! The Lord is our Shepherd. He alone can fully bring the nourishment and replenishment that we need. Yet why do we sometimes find it so hard to set aside time to be with him? Could it be that we keep our lives so busy that we miss out on the one thing that matters most?

Foolishly, I run trying to cram everything possible into my schedule, miserably I complain about how busy we have become, doggedly I drag myself home too tired to recognize and enjoy the blessings that surround me, and then … sometimes accidentally, … sometimes on purpose, … I stop and breathe. Deep breath, I slow down, and realize the beauty in a moment, a sunset maybe, or I realize that the stars are painfully bright some night and that they have been there all along, as have all the blessings in my life. I just have been too busy, too foolish and miserable and dogged out to see. Those moments, when I am still and silent and know God is there, like cool quiet waters, He restores my soul.

Take time to sit quietly and breath deep and slowly, rest your eyes.
Recognize the blessings that surround us.
Like the cool water of a water fall let His peace flow over you and give you restoration.

As you have shown me time and time again, dear Father, I know that being with you restores me in a place within my heart that nothing and no one else can reach. Reinvigorate me with your presence and power so that I can serve you refreshed and renewed. Amen.