Delivered and Redeemed

The people of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hickman, Neb., have organized a Spirit-Driven Task Force, bringing together almost forty members who have committed to a year of study, prayer, reflection, and deliberation to discern how God is calling the congregation to renewal for the sake of his mission.

This is the seventeenth of a series of weekly meditations with the aim to inspire reflection and encourage conversation among the members of the task force as we journey together in obedience to our Lord’s calling to serve him. You can find an archive of these meditations on the Web at

Pastor Ron Drury, a member of the Spirit Driven Task Force and advisor to its Steering Committee.

“I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked, and redeem you from  the hand of the ruthless.” —Jeremiah 15:21, New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

God speaks to Jeremiah (sometimes called “the weeping prophet”) in the first lesson for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, to calm and assure this “mouthpiece for God”! Jeremiah is reflecting not on his own pain, but upon the collective concern of the people of Israel. Jerusalem and the Holy Land’s destruction are too much for the prophet and the “chosen people” to bear.

God speaks clearly, concisely, and mercifully to a people who have not always listened … concluding with these words: “I will save you from these wicked people and rescue you from these cruel people” (New Century Version, NCV).

Have you ever felt like Jeremiah or the people of Israel? Have you ever felt like complaining or lamenting (weeping aloud)? Jeremiah models for us how we are, in the grace of God, able to talk frankly with the Almighty! Jeremiah 15:18 says, “I don’t understand why my pain has no end. I don’t understand why my injury is not cured or healed. Will you be like a brook that goes dry? Will you be like a spring that stops flowing?” (NCV). The New Revised Standard Version is even more direct, “Why is my pain unceasing, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed. Truly, you are to me like a deceitful brook, like waters that fail.” Injury, pain, and wounds seem to be inflicted intentionally and at times unwittingly by a number of people these days. I pray we will all turn back to God and hear again from Holy Scripture, “I will be there to rescue you. I, The LORD, have spoken” (Jeremiah 15:21, CEV).

Focusing on the Father through the saving grace of Jesus empowered via the Holy Spirit is our and every creatures’ only hope! I invite you, like the prophet, to turn to God and find full life! Jeremiah 15:19 (CEV) proclaims:

“Then The LORD told me: Stop talking like a fool! If you turn back to me and speak my message, I will let you be my prophet once again. I hope the people of Judah will accept what you say. But you can ignore their threats.”

Praise God that the loving LORD knows everything about us and still loves us completely! What does God being “Sovereign” mean to you? What does it mean that the Almighty is aware of and involved in every aspect of your daily living? Where is Jesus asking you to sojourn, as you faithfully follow the Savior of the universe?How can we collectively better listen to God’s Word?

Listening LORD of all, empower us through the Spirit to hear together your call to turn back to you and away from our complaining, to faithfully follow Jesus. Amen.