God’s Good Creation


In 1990, while serving as the pastor of First Lutheran Church, Potter, Neb., and Grace Lutheran Church, Gurley, Neb., I prepared a series of six daily devotions, calling the collection “All Good Gifts: Devotions for the Harvest.” This is the first in the collection.

Reading: Genesis 1:26-31

“God said, ‘See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth…you shall have them for food’” (v. 29).


God makes us to live in a good creation, where we care for the earth and its life, and where the earth’s bounty meets our needs for food, clothing, and shelter.

Sometimes, though, because of our sinful rebellion against God’s dominion over all creation, our peaceful life with the earth turns to a struggle against its life. So wildflowers become weeds and animals become pests.

Jesus Christ died and was raised so we might live in a new creation as the earth’s caretakers and the Lord’s servants.


Gracious God, forgive us for struggling against you, and by your Spirit, bring us and the whole earth into your new creation; in Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur Deus.